Games and playful experiences for advertising, education, and social transformation.


Space Invader

It's how we learn, how we develop relationships, and how we discover.



One-bit Type Shooter. Your keyboard is your weapon.


Mavis Beacon eat your heart out. This is not your parent's typing tutor.

The WASDA System is under invasion by the Evil Empire and you alone can defend it in this typing game meets bullet hell shooter mashup.

Ludum Dare 46more_vert

Keep Ye Alive, a 48 hour game jam game.

Ludum Dare 46close

GitHub Repository Available

Ludum Dare is a yearly game jame. Participants have 48 hours to develop a game around a croudsourced concept which is unveiled when the clock starts ticking.

While the version of the game line to here has the benefit of another 50 or so hours of work done after the original game jam version, the core functionality and concept were concieved in the crucible of Ludum Dare.

The game is an "endless runner with roguelike elements" and a twist. The game character is in control of their own destiny and you, the player, have to keep him alive by picking up coins and using them to purchase potions for the hero.

In the spirit of Ludum Dare, the source code for this game is posted here:
- jrod-disco/ld46-keepalive


VR-friendly experiments with react-three-fiber.


GitHub Repository Available

The react-three-fiber library facilitates the creation of ThreeJS content within a React application environment. These experiments scracth the surface of what is possible with this library. Please note that these examples are not optimized and some may take a few minutes to load depending on your internet connection.

My favorite experiment, to date, TURRELL CUBE is an ode to artist James Turrell. Specifically the installation “Catso, Red” at the Mattress Factory in Pittsburgh, PA. This was the first work by Turrell that I experienced.

The related repositories are publicly available here:
- jrod-disco/r3f-poc
- pmndrs/react-three-fiber

Don Vs. Kimmore_vert

A childish two-player battle for global domination.

Don Vs. Kimclose

Inspired by the foreign policy of the 45th U.S. presidential administration, this editorial-cartoon-gone-interactive pits two unbalanced world leaders in a dangerous nuclear food fight.

The twist in this “news game” is that both players need to share the same touch-screen device while playing. What usually starts as a civil contest soon devolves into finger pointing and name calling. Sad.

It is a happy talent to know how to play.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


Gamification, Simulation and Serious Games

With an eye for storytelling and the user experience, we pride ourselves on being able to develop a game to enhance engagement with any brand, product, service, or social issue.
This is "gamification."

The integration or application of games and game-related concepts to everyday tasks such as learning, wellness, productivity and business activities.

It's what we do.

Gamification Statistics

The total global revenue in the learning games market in 2012 was $3.9 Million1 and grew to $2.6 Billion in 20192, making it one of the fastest growing trends in education.

Partial Client List

Here are some of the clients we have worked with: American Express The Buffalo News Comedy Central Crayola Fisher-Price Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Independent Health InStyle Magazine Ripley Publishing Roadrunner Records SAP Global Marketing TIME Inc. Unilever Brands Xerox

Space Invader

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.

— Carl Jung